January 16, 2025

Umrah Education for Children


Umrah is the most desired and cherished religious journey to the Holy Kaaba that is our Qibla as well. It is a journey planned by the Divine Creator for his chosen people. Muslims across the globe get together, perform all the directed religious rituals and purify their heart and soul through Allah’s blessings. So the well-off Muslims, in particular, must not procrastinate in performing this sacred deed.

In the past, Umrah or Hajj was regarded as an arduous journey that demanded a sound bank balance and exhaustive physical efforts. So the Muslim males used to avoid their females and children taking with themselves. Nowadays, things have become much more convenient than before. There are various online travel incorporations working for Muslims across the globe. These remarkable sources readily provide us with friendly services to facilitate our memorable Umrah with family through their affordable family Umrah packages – Muslims Holy Travel.

Moreover, there are various travel airlines as well to take you and your family safe and sound towards the divine destination.

Umrah with Kids and Family

Every Muslim wants his divine journey memorable and brimmed with immense blessings. Usually, the people set out for this divine path with their spouse and leave their children at home to avoid any inconvenience in their Umrah. Furthermore, the women accompanying men there also get separated from them at Masjid e Nabwi and Masjid –e- Haram where there are separate sections for males and females. So it becomes difficult for women to handle their kids and perform their prayers peacefully.

Children as an inevitable part of our family

However, it must be noted that our children need our attention. And it is our social and religious obligation to teach everything about the religion they are following. If you have performed your first or 2nd Umrah without kids then, it is highly recommended to embark on your second/ third Umrah with family and children in particular.

Significance of Umrah with Family and kids

Family is an integral part of a man’s life. It makes up a man’s life who lives with it earns for it. Our family members especially our mother father wife children are unprecedented blessings of Allah Almighty bestowed on us. And these are our loved ones especially our children who stand beside us through our thick and thin. So don’t shy away to perform a blessed and appeasing spiritual Umrah journey with your kids and family. This remarkable deed of generosity would manifold Allah’s blessings upon you and your family.

Umrah Strengthens your Familial Bonds with Allah

When you perform Umrah alone or with a spouse, you strengthen your bond with Allah (SWT) individually. But if it is your Family Umrah, your bond is strengthened as a unit. That means your children’s bond with Allah, your spouse’s bond with Allah. Allah ( SWT) in turn strengthens your bond between you your kids and your spouse. This bond is totally on a newer level because Allah’s will and blessings are intermixed in it.

How to Handle Your Kids on Umrah

First of all, you have to psycho prepare yourself when you decide to take your kids with you. Pack their bags with the needed food items and clothing and keep it in mind that you may have to shorten your ibadah there with them. And it is not a worrisome thing because Allah is all-knowing and merciful who blesses you merely on your right intentions. It would be a serendipity if your kids are really sensible to understand and hold a decent conversation with you. So they will truly understand why they are having a family Umrah with you.

Ensure your kids about Allah’s Oneness and his Supremacy

It is mandatory for the Muslim parents to aware of their children about the “Oneness” of Allah ( SWT), telling them that nothing and no one is supreme except “ His Highness”.  He is the Creator of each and everything of this universe and many other universes. Every particle moves on his direction. So the purpose of this Divine journey is to sacrifice our money in his divine path to seek his blessings. Tell your kids that Umrah or Hajj is solely for Allah and all our physical and mental activities are devoted to him and only him. When you follow Umrah rules tell them that everything revolves around his rules and regulations. When you mandatorily teach your children about Allah’s all might and glory, they would understand Umrah rules quite well for sure.

Educate Kids about Umrah through truest Sunnah and Quranic Accounts

Your family Umrah with kids is the best time to educate your children about Umrah and its significance. The most pleasing and authentic way of Umrah education is to tell them the truest or authentic Islamic accounts/ stories from the Quran and Sunnah. Because children love stories. Tell them the stories about Prophets, angels and other significant figures of Islam.

Umrah Stories for Kids

The grand spiritual journey of Umrah or Hajj is processed and progressed through directed rules and regulations. These two grand Islamic events are backed by the must-learn indelible/ inerasable Islamic history. There are some Umrah stories that are must-learn for your kids to make their Umrah learning more effective.

Hajra and Baby Ismail

It is a great story to link the part of Saie and Zam Zam water. When you bring your kids to run between the mountains of Safa and Marwa tell them about the happenings between Hazrat Hajra Prophet Ibrahim and Ismail.

Stories of Prophet Ibrahim and Ismail

The stories of Prophet Ibrahim and Ismail are really effective to relate to the Black square Kaaba that how did they both build it together and how they were tested for sacrifice. 

Stories for Ziarah

For the stories of Ziarah, you need not worry as a  Mutawwif – “Storyteller” would enlighten you with the stories for Ziarah. You will just need to repeat them before your kids.
So take your kids with you to make your Umrah journey productive, informative and full of everlasting memories with your family.