February 8, 2025

How to Read Quran More Effectively

Read Quran

It is believed that the Quran is the spoken word of Allah that is spoken in Arabic language. The people who are determined to master Quran are among the most blessed people in the world because they seek to grasp the most extensive source of knowledge that exists in the entire universe, in the words of the God of all worlds! This is the reason why Tajweed is required when learning to understand Quran. By following the rules of Tajweed you will be able to study and learn to read Quran more effectively.

Because it is said that Quran is the language that is spoken by Allah, Subhan a Hu WA Ta’alah, it’s crucial to say the Arabic phrases of the Quran precisely, accurately, and with accuracy, to ensure that their meaning does not get altered, and no disrespect is caused to Allah, the God of the universes because of incorrect pronunciation.

Arabic Words in the Quran

Pronunciation that is correct for the Arabic letters and the words in the Quran is known as Tajweed. Online Quran Live Academy is the best online Quran Learning platform. It is recommended that those who wish to learn Quran begin their study by studying reading the Noorani Qaida which is one of the top sources for teaching tajweed.

The Noorani Qaida assists in learning the correct pronunciation Arabic terms, as well as their correct pronunciation, correct accent, inflection and the emphasis on words and letters at the correct location and time and reciting in the right manner and at the appropriate speed.

Definition of Tajweed

This Arabic phrase ‘tajweed’ comes originated from the roots: ‘jw-d”, which translates to “make well”, “make more effective’ or ‘improve’. There are a few basic rules of tajweed that must be adhered to by those seeking to learn Quran.

Below is a short summary of the fundamental rules of Tajweed to Learn Quran In a snap:

Study Quran using Tajweed

The initial part of the tajweed rules focus on the character of the who read the Quran or “Manners of the Heart.” These are: Believing as a matter of fact that Quran does not represent the spoken word from man but rather the words of Allah.

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The student should cleanse his or her mind of any other thoughts prior to beginning to study Quran using Tajweed. The reader must fully grasp the meaning and significance the meaning of words, and Ayahs (sentences) in the Quran that are recited by him or by them.

The reader should be a humble character because the beauty and profundity of the meaning of Allah’s words can only be accessible to the humble soul. It is important to realize that each message contained in the Quran is intended for the person who is reading these messages from the Quran.

Of course it is important to know the correct pronunciation of the Arabic alphabet.

Arabic accent 

Cleanliness of one’s body clothing and the location in which one is reading Quran.

It is recommended to face toward the Qiblah (the Ka’bah of Makkah) when reciting the Quran.

The reader should take a moment to reflect after reading an Ayah that is a cautionary tale by asking Allah’s protection.

Also, one should pause when saying an Ayah that mentions Allah’s mercy and praise Allah for the many blessings He has bestowed to us, and to pray to Him to always be merciful to us.

The student should take care to only use classic Arabic accent and dialect known as ‘Fussha’, without mixing any dialect or accent from outside the country with it.


The third component of the tajweed’s rules is about Makharij-ul-Huroof, or ‘the emission points of letters’. These emission points are the different locations and regions within the mouth, on the lips, as well as in the throat, where the sounds of the various letters of the classical “Fussha’ Arabic are released.

The manner of articulation’ letters

The fourth component of the tajweed rules is about the specific characteristics of the letters. These are known as Sifaat-ul Huruf. They refer to the distinct characteristics of the letters or the’manner of articulation’ letters.

The Noon Sakinah and Tanween

Five rules in Tajweed during the recitation of Quran are about those letters Noon and Tanween, which are the same. There are four ways to pronounce the letters Noon and Tanween. Noon Sakinah and Tanween (vowels that produce an “nnn” sound immediately after it) can be spoken using four distinct ways.

The Meem Sakinah

A sixth set of Tajweed guidelines when reading the Quran are related to the Meem. Meem. It is believed that the Meem Sakinah can be pronounced in three different ways.

Prolongation of Muddud

The seventh rule for the recitation of tajweed is about the prolongation of muddud. These rules concern the amount of beats that are spoken when a vowel is followed by the Mudd letter.

Qamariyya along with Shamsiyya

The eighth rule for reading Quran using tajweed refers to letters Laam. Laam is the Arabic word that means “the” is ‘al’ (the letters Alif and Laam). The Laam in the word ‘al’ can be prononciated if the letter preceding that al’s letter is “Qamariyya” (lunar), however, it is silent if the letter that follows that al letter will be “Shamsiyya” (solar). Qamariyya as well as Shamsiyya are referring to the form that the Arabic letters.

Thinness and Thickness 

The ninth and last set of tajweed regulations focuses on the thickness and thickness of pronunciation of Arabic letters. Certain Arabic alphabets are spoken thick, with a heavy accent (Tafkhim) and certain letters are spoken thin and with an easy accent (Tarqeeq).

Final words

The advantages from online Quran learning through an online Quran tutor is that you can study Quran by using Tajweed and the correct pronunciation of the words of Quranic Arabic without leaving one’s home, or even the location of one’s choice.